Iteration 1 (no smartphone application)
- Trouble getting a ticket.
- Confused about where to step off the boat.
We began with the idea of using a system of interactive screens to remedy the pain in these pain points. Several such interactive screens would guide the user from Slussen towards the ferry terminal, making it easier to find the ferry. We thought about having a screen on the boat which shows the current position of the ferry on a map depicting its route. At each stop the ferry makes, tourist attractions in close vicinity of the stop would be displayed. This aims to help the tourist know when he or she should get off. Furthermore, we talked about placing screens close to the terminal ticket shops. From the interviews and through observation, it was obvious that tourists had problems buying tickets. An interactive screen with the ability to display ticket buying instructions in several languages could solve this issue. This eventually led us on the idea of a tracking system. The system would track the user by giving him a numerical/QR -code when buying a ticket. The system would then save the user's destination & ticket, making it possible to identify and guide the user throughout his travelling. In the end, we arrived at the smartphone trail, even though we decided to leave it out. A combination of a smartphone app and a system of interactive screens could be invaluable. The app could be used to save data and identify the user, while the screens could be improved to suit the tourists without a smartphone.
Iteration 2
- In this iteration we considered all pain points.
If we had a truly limitless amount of resources, a system of interactive screens placed throughout Gamla Stan could be used to address all of the pain points. By having one such screen in place on every city "block", a smartphone free experience could be achieved. We recycled the idea of a personal ID which tracks the user. By brainstorming and passing on ideas, we ended up with two ways of tracking the user. Tattoos, smartphone apps and bracelets. The tattoo is not a traditional one, it is rather a removable/water-soluble sticker. The bracelets were envisioned as having an ability to communicate with the wireless connection provided by the interactive screens. If a tourist encounters a tourism related problem, he could walk up to an interactive screen that recognizes him and his destination, and solve his problem. If a user needs guidance, and the user owns a smartphone, he should be able to look at a detailed map with information about attractions, restaurants etc. on his smartphone, while the interactive screens would provide a more general look at his route and destination.
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