onsdag 30 mars 2016

Conclusion interviews

Below is a conclusion to the answers of each question by the interviewees

1) How often do you travel on this line?
None of the tourists had travelled on the line prior to this occasion. However, some of the tourists were traveling with swedes that had traveled on the line before.

2) Where are you from? 
We interviewed people from Germany, France, Finland, Poland, USA and Denmark. Some of the swedes were from Stockholm, and some were not.

3) What is the purpose of your visit?
The majority of those interviewed were heading towards Skansen, the Vasa Museum or Aquaria. The Swede and the Dane were both travelling with the line ferry for the pure enjoyment of the journey.

4) Why did you choose this boat?
Most of the interviewees had done some research beforehand - either on their own or by asking a guide or hotel staff. Most had mentioned the bus alternative, but felt the boat would be more enjoyable. The Frenchmen were told to take the ferry by the receptionist at their hostel.

5) How did you get a ticket? 
Most of the interviewees either had issues with the tickets, or were there with local Swedish company with SL Access cards. There were two ticked vending machines at the dock on the Slussen side, but information about which tickets that were required (with regards to the zone system) was not available, and there were many tourists in line running back and forth around the machines, trying to find more information. There is a kiosk at the dock, but it is only manned Friday-Sunday.

6) How has the travel experience been so far?
All interviewees enjoyed the boat ride itself, but most mentioned issues with finding the right location and information. The Americans and Germans would have liked to have a tourist guide on the ride. The Germans also thought the ride itself was too short. The Danes had taken the car to Slussen, and would have appreciated more help from the hotel with both informing them about the traffic situation, as well as in supporting them more with regards to tickets, parking information and suggestions for activities in the area.

7) Were there any surprises? 
All answered no, except for the Swedish family with two children, who mentioned that it was cumbersome to get the family through the ticket gates in the subway.

8) Did you find sufficient information about the route of the boat? 
Many of the groups without local Swedes weren't sure about where to get off the boat. Also, most groups mentioned the issues around getting the right tickets.

9) Would you use a smartphone application that guides you towards your destination? 
All interviewees were positive to using their smartphones for help.

10) Would an audio guide in the app be of use to you?
The results were mixed - using headphones alone would be beneficial, but not as much in a larger group because it would reduce the social interactions.

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